How to get in ‘the zone’…

Shiv McKenzie
3 min readJan 29, 2021
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Being in ‘the zone’ or ‘flow state’ for me is one of the most enjoyable things about work. Enjoyable? Work? Really?! Well, yes shut-up, I code and I have this theory that there’s absolutely nobody coding who hates it. We’re all super-nerds who love working in dark corners of places and doing hackathons or lazing on beaches with super cut abs (depending on who you talk to … digital nomad revolution anyone?!)

The hours you lose searching through google to fix a problem and then FINALLY getting that insanely satisfying ‘aha’ moment when whatever you were working on finally bloody works! Eurgh kind of making myself vomit in my own mouth. So keen!

Anyway, it’s something I experience regularly, and I genuinely get withdrawal symptoms when I take quite a few days off work — I feel less relaxed, because for me, the zone is my meditative state. It’s not something easily achieved outside of ‘work’ whether this be perfecting your muffin recipe or writing an algorithm.

Here’s my tips for getting in that elusive ‘zone’.

Tip 1: Music.

Instrumental, repetitive medium-high energy music that I’ve heard a million times before. Chill-hop is great — awesome live streaming link on youtube here but I generally listen to electronic or pre-200’s hip hop (breaks my…

